Li Syaoran

Name: Li Syaoran

Age: 10

Grade: 4th

Blood Type: O

Favorite Subjects: P.E., Math

Least Favorite: Japanese

Activities: None

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Flower: Peony

Favorite Food: Dim Sum, Chocolate, Tenshin

Least Favorite: Konnyaku

Wish List: The Clow Book

Li is a fourth grader at Tomoeda Elementary school. He goes to the same school as Sakura Kinomoto. He's first seen in episode seven, but isn't actually introduced till the eigth episode. He's a direct descendant of Clow Reed, and is sent by his family from Hong Kong to Tomoeda to capture the Clow Cards. When he arrived he discovers that Sakura is capturing the cards with Kero-chan. He demands her to give him the cards, but she refuses, and eventually they work together to catch the cards. Li often refers to Kero as the "stuffed animal", and we all know that doesn't settle well with Kero-chan. Later on in the series, his fiancee, Li Meiling, comes to town to help him capture the cards. The show gets more in depth as the series goes on, and since I don't want to give too much away you should go out and buy your own copy of the subtitled version of Card Captor Sakura!


NOTE: I found this information in the manga books, and the uncut DVD version of this series that I bought myself. All characters and everything Card Captor Sakura belong to CLAMP. I claim no ownership.