Welcome to my FIRST Card Captor Sakura page, and second page all together! My first site is about Sailor Moon. Click HERE to go there. Now just settle down, relax, and surf around! If you have any tips, pictures, suggestions, and even corrections for me then you can either sign my guestbook(preferred) or give me an e-mail! I hope you guys are enjoying my site so far! :-) I've been working very hard on it lately. I think I've found a background for the main site that I finally think I like... atleast for now. :-) Come back soon!

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~Character Pages~

~Image Galleries~

My first award!!

Updated 02/17/02

Samantha's Sailor Moon Kingdom

Samantha Magnuson: The Girl Who Lived

FastCounter by bCentral

NOTE: The buttons on this site were made by me. I'd greatly appreciate it if you didn't take them without my permission or if you do atleast give me some credit. (If any of the buttons look similar to ones you might have made send me your page address so I can see and if I think they're WAY TOO similar I'll try and change mine). The background I'm using on this page WAS made by me. I spent a lot of time making it and I'd appreciate it if you'd give me credit if you used it.